There is no greater pain, than when your child is hurting. Whether that is physical pain or emotional pain. Watching them hurt, literally breaks your heart. As the parent, you try to solve it. You try and find the medicine, find the doctor, find the counselor, do the research, and advocate, advocate, advocate.
Right now, Ella is struggling. This last month she has had a cold virus, Covid, and now another virus. Her body is weak, her spirit is weary, and after three weeks out of school, the pressure is mounting. And, all I want to do is solve it. But, some things you just can’t solve.
The only thing I can do is take care of her needs, love on her and pray. To say this child has gone through a lot in her short life, is an understatement. Nine surgeries, countless doctor appointments, so much medicine and one sickness after the other. It has taken a toll.
One of the issues we face as a family is that her illness is invisible. You can’t see it. And when you can’t see an illness, you are faced with judgement. You are faced with a, “Well, it’s not that big of a deal” attitude. Comments like, “We don’t see it.” “She acts fine.” “She doesn’t look sick.” When these comments are made to her, or to us, it is damaging. We know the moment a comment like that is made, they are not our people. And we move on. My protective instinct with Ella is fierce. Mama Bear comes out when I see her being put down or not believed.
My question to you is this… do you have a child who is sick or hurting? Is that sickness invisible? If it is, please know that you are not alone. I see you. I hear you. And, I’m so sorry for your pain. Find people who love and support you. Reach out to me if you need support. I am here for you. You deserve the best. Let’s support each other as we take care of our children and ourselves.